Suzuki Plus Handbook



Welcome to the SSE program of Suzuki Education. It is the intent of the director and teachers in the program to help in your pursuit of instrumental study for your child in a positive and nurturing manner. Our purpose is two­ fold:

  1. To foster the self-esteem of each student by the Suzuki method of education.

  2. To provide an environment that will stimulate students to master the technique of a musical instrument.

The manual is for your information and benefit in clarification of standards and policies necessary to keep the school functioning in an organized manner. Please read and keep it for future reference.


  1. Absences from private lessons will not be made up. If a lesson is canceled due to illness, please notify your teacher as soon as possible. A fever must be normal for 24 hours before your lesson in order to keep your teacher and adjacent students safe.

  2. Absences from group classes will not be made up.

  3. If the teacher is absent, the lesson will be made up. 


  1. Group classes are provided for all instruments on a weekly Basis.

  2. Any student participating in an activity in direct conflict with group class cannot remain in the program.

  3. Seasonal conflicts with group class will be dealt with on an individual basis with the director.

  4. Only students from the SSE program may take part in group classes. 


No refund of tuition shall be made after the beginning of the term except for the discontinuation of the program for the rest of the term due to prolonged illness or moving of the family to another area. Notice of termination of lessons shall be given at the earliest possible date.


After finishing a volume of Suzuki literature, each student may play the last piece in the previous volume and receive an award for doing so. The student must be on the third piece in the next volume in order to schedule the solo. The solo may be done at repertoire class, or another appropriate program (school class, solo recital, church, etc). The teacher will determine the readiness for playing.


In cooperation with Suzuki School of Elgin, the parent organization, Suzuki Plus, provides avenues of communication within the program, scholarships, fund-raising, etc. Their functions are briefly described on the following page.

  1. NEWSLETTER: A newsletter called The Write Note is a means of program information, creative expression, musical knowledge, student recognition, and a calendar of events from within the SSE program and the community. Contributions of articles, artwork, and ideas are welcome from students and parents. 

  2. SCHOLARSHIPS: Suzuki Plus is proud to provide scholarships in support of students and families. The two types available are tuition reimbursement and senior scholarships. All scholarship applicants must meet the following criteria to qualify.

    1.     The student must attend group class regularly (3 out of 4 per month).

    2.     The family must take part in fundraisers.

    3.     The family must pay Suzuki Plus dues for each year.

It is important to note that these represent the minimum requirements for all scholarships.

A scholarship year begins with the fall semester of SSE and continues to the beginning of the following fall semester. Scholarship forms must be submitted by October 1 of each year for the previous year's workshops. Suzuki institutes and other summer music camps are considered for scholarships. Any questions concerning whether or not an institute will be considered for a scholarship will be determined by the Suzuki Plus Board of Directors.

1)    Student must attend repertoire classes on a regular basis

2)    Suzuki Plus dues must be paid for the year

3)    Family must take part in fundraisers


There are two levels of tuition reimbursement scholarships available.

  1. Basic: Families will receive $25.00 each day of the workshop or mini-institute attended outside of SSE. Applicants must meet the minimum requirements to qualify for the scholarship.

  2. Active: Families will receive % of tuition costs for each week-long institute or approved summer music camp attended. Families must meet the minimum requirements (above) as well as be an Active Suzuki Plus Member Family.

    a. Attend 5 of the 8 Suzuki Plus board meetings per year.

    b. Participate on the Board as an officer or committee chair.

Please note: Reimbursements cover only tuition costs. It does not include other expenses such as registration fees, transportation, housing or meals.

Applications can be found on our website:


Suzuki Plus will award a $750.00 scholarship for graduating seniors toward tuition for the educational institution of each student's choice.

  1. Recipients must be active participants. (i.e. attending repertoire classes and a majority of performances)

  2. Enrolled for at least five (5) years in the SSE program.

  3. Students should be prepared to perform on a solo recital in the spring or one number on the annual Spring Concert.

  4. Provide documentation identifying the school, vocational program or military branch they will be attending. Students taking a year off may defer the scholarship up to one year from date of graduation. 

A scholarship year begins with the fall semester of SSE and continues to the beginning of the following fall semester. Scholarship forms found on our website for choices A and B must be submitted by October 1 of each year for the previous year's institutes. Any questions concerning whether or not a school or institution will be considered for a scholarship will be determined by the Suzuki Plus Board of Directors.


3. FUND-RAISING: There will be fund-raisers each year. Other monies may come from performances or functions voted on by the Suzuki Plus Board of Directors.

4. SPRING CONCERT: An annual program including all students takes place in the Spring. All students will play the literature that he/she knows as “polished pieces,” and must know all selections programmed to that point. Each student will be in concert dress. Suzuki Plus is the sponsor and promoter of the program.

5. TRIPS: Any performing trips are subject to the standards listed under “Performing.” The organization of such trips will be handled by Suzuki Plus.

6. LIBRARY: A library of books, tapes, videos, games, CD's, and computer programs are available to parents and students in the SSE program. Items may be checked out at the Music House.

7. SOCIAL: A variety of activities are arranged for SSE students and their families throughout the year.

8. MINI-INSTITUTES: Suzuki weekend institutes are held for students in the SSE program and may be open to other Suzuki trained students. Guest teachers are brought from other programs to provide additional enrichment to students and their families. Participation of all students is encouraged. Suzuki Plus scholarships are not available for these institutes.

9. PUBLICITY: Photos and articles on SSE concerts and functions will be kept for future reference. Publicity will also put out press releases in local newspapers as well as advertise upcoming concerts and programs that are open to the public.


Performing is a natural outgrowth of learning in a Suzuki program. A few of the benefits are listed below:

  1. Social stimulus for the student.

  2. Building of self-confidence

  3. Input into the community.

  4. Versatility of playing

  5. Group cohesiveness 

In order to maintain the standard of performance at a level that enables the group to accomplish these benefits, the following standards must be observed by any student who performs with SSE.

  1. Be in regular attendance at group class

  2. Be at any rehearsals called for a given performance.

  3. Meet the standards of performance dress for a given concert.

  4. Once committed to a given performance, does not renege. 


Concert dress is given below and will be used for the majority of the playing engagements. Any variation from the above will be noted to the students by the program director.


BLACK top (3/4 length or long sleeved), knee-length BLACK skirt, BLACK tights (matte black - no patterns), BLACK flat dress shoes of your choice. NO JEWELRY or NAIL POLISH. Hair decorations must be black or white, pulled back from the face.


WHITE button-down long-sleeved shirt. BLACK long slacks. NO jeans style pants. BLACK socks and shoes. Hair must be away from the face. A player who fails to follow the dress code will not be allowed to perform.